Modern production requires the use of the latest solutions to ensure a competitive advantage.
Robotization of processes allows, among others on:
reduction of production costs
increasing the capacity of the production line
increasing the autonomy of the production line
improving the quality of tasks performed by employees
improving safety on the production line by delegating dangerous tasks to the robot
The industrial robot can also work in harsh environmental conditions, such as high
temperature, high dust or humidity, the presence of liquids and gases that are hazardous to
humans, and work in any orientation, mounted on the floor, wall, ceiling or at any angle.
We implement robotic workstation designs using ABB, KUKA, Fanuc robots and ABB, KUKA and Universal Robots cobots. Based on our experience, we offer comprehensive solutions related to the robotization of processes such as:
Machine tending
Pick & Place
Paste application
VGR – vision guided robotics
Glue application
Vision inspections with the use of robots
Palletization / Depalletization
The industrial robot can also work in harsh environmental conditions, such as high temperature, high dust or humidity, the presence of liquids and gases that are hazardous to humans, and work in any orientation, mounted on the floor, wall, ceiling or at any angle.
We implement robotic workstation designs using ABB, KUKA, Fanuc robots and ABB, KUKA
and Universal Robots cobots. Based on our experience, we offer comprehensive solutions
related to the robotization of processes such as: